03 5292 2077

Why are websites more important than ever? And how can Geelong Web Design Help you!

Through COVID19, Geelong Web Design has seen a massive jump in business wanting websites or fixing/improving old ones.

Over 80% of shopping is now done online and Google is the number one research tool for people all over the world.

It is crucial to your website’s success to have a FAST, CLEAR and EASY to site to use.

So how can Geelong Web Design help you and your business?

Site speed: People will not stay on your site if it takes longer then 7 seconds to load (doesn’t seem like much but why waste time on someones site when you can find the information quicker on someone else’s? – after all we are all busy!) Our hosting service is 100% Australian and is FAST and secure. Meaning more site visits and less site hacks.

Clear: Our web designers have been designing sites from the dawn of time, with a combined 100 years experience, we know how to meet the clients needs whilst helping them decided what type of site is best for the business and for their customers. We are also very affordable and can work with pretty much any budget. Don’t believe us? Check out our previous site builds here

Easy: Client/customer sites NEED to be user friendly. We will triple check the site against all devices – making sure the information is clear and the site is easy to use across phones, Ipad’s, tablets and desktops!

We pride ourselves on offering friendly, affordable service. In these trying times we want all business to succeed and believe that websites are the way of the future. Contact us today to find out how we can help your business THRIVE!

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